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I'm Julia, I'm 30, and I’m currently studying an MSc in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law with the University of Winchester. 


I grew up with animals, but my parents also slaughtered some of them. When I turned around ten years old, it started that I did not want to eat my old friends anymore. Today even my mother and sister are vegan. It was a real-life shift when you see what background we came from. I never questioned this shift, and it breaks my heart, to see how many animals suffer because of humans. That is why I want to dedicate my life, to change this world to a better place for animals.

I have a Bachelor degree in Environmental Safety and a Fitness instructor diploma. I lived in Switzerland, Vancouver and currently in Germany. I have a son, who is born in August 2018 and we have five rescue dogs, fish, and two guinea pigs. Everybody lives vegan :) 

I want to educate people on the seriousness of protecting our environment, the animals we share this planet with and the horrors animals encounter in many aspects of life all over the world.


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